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5.1 Notes

5.1 Video 2: Beneficial and Harmful Effects


Github pages action 5.1

1. Benefits: Automation of certain tasks, Accurate compared to the factor of human error, Fast communication

Harmfulness: Prolonged use can cause poor health, Everyone’s information is on the web, less social interaction

2. Dopamine issues are a real thing. Some people stick onto and stay on a computer for so long that it becomes attached to them and is one with them. They wire their brain to see the computer as something that gives them happiness leading to depression outside of the computer. Some people get so focused in on obtaining that dopamine and that happy feeling making the computer almost like a drug to them. I have been victim to this my self a couple of times and it isn’t good for the mind or the body.

5.2 Notes

Github pages action 5.2

1. People empower themselves in a digital world by first having access to the digital world, and then using the information and tools that they have obtained from this digital world to benefit themselves or others.

2. Someone that is empowered can help someone that is not empowered by obtaining or giving them things that they don’t have. You can help supply their needs and offer people feedback and input. Something that I could do at Del Norte HS would be teaching people how to use their current digital world access and expand upon it giving them more knowledge and helping empower in the digital space.

3. Yes there are many red tapes and papers blocking off in digital empowerment. Some barriers that exist in Del Norte HS include blocked websites that you can’t access without a vpn. Their are papers blocking off digital empowerment everywhere we look, whether it be financial issues, supply and demand, or even when you have access to the digital world there are still some features that are being blocked off, for example what I said earlier with DNHS blocking off certain sites.

5.3 Notes

Github pages action 5.3

1. The owner of the computer does not think that this is intentional

2. No because he seems to be joking about it and doesn’t seemed to angered about it

3. This probably happened because when making the program or system they didn’t have or test it anyone that is Black which is why they didn’t see the fault in the program

4. This is harmful to some people because they can see it as the computer companies not caring or thinking about people other than people that are White, and while I don’t think it was intended it could still cause issues

5. Yes the program should be corrected

6. Think about all the bias’s that could occur inside of a group and try to stop any problems before they start

5.4 Notes

Github pages action 5.4

1. A crowdsource idea in our enviornment could be a poll on whether or not you find CompSci hard to learn or not and we can collect that data and see how many people find learning CompSci easy and how many find it hard to learn CompSci

2. For Del Norte we could have a poll asking people about there input on who finds school easy and who finds school difficult. Yes our project could be better with crowdsourcing because with croud sourcing we are able to get feedback from many sources if we give it out to the public to test out

5.5 Notes

Github pages Action 5.5

1. License Type Notes

5.6 Notes

Github pages Action 5.6

1. Some PII’s that I have seen on projects in CompSci Principles include my github account, pictures of myself, as well as my name.

2. PII isn’t a bad thing because your information needs to be out there if peoeple want to contact you such as jobs. However there are still downsides and you need to protect your PII’s from landing in the wrong hands because that could lead to conflicting issues.

3. A Good password has a mix of characters, both uper and lowercase, symbols, and numbers. Bad passwords will be something that have a connection to your PII’s especially if they are repetitive and used often. Another step that can be used to assist in authentitaciton could be multi factor authentication whether it be sending a code through text or email that you can use to log in.

4. Symmetric encryption is one key that all specificed users have that can be used in order to decrypt a message. On the other hand Asymmetric uses a public key for encryption and need a unique private key for decryption (connected mathematically).

5. We use HTTPS in our deployment in order to encrypt our websites using a TLS protocol which sends HTTP data and files to the user as encrypted data