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Data Structures
Replit Link
(Replit Embed at the Bottom)
This is my menu code
main_menu = [
["Swap", "swap.py"],
["Tree", "tree.py"]
sub_menu = [
["Among Us", "amongus.py"],
["Keypad", "keypad.py"]
# Menu banner is typically defined by menu owner
border = "=" * 25
banner = f"\n{border}\nPlease Select An Option\n{border}"
def menuc():
title = "Class Menu" + banner
menu_list = main_menu.copy()
menu_list.append(["Submenu", submenuc])
m = questy.Menu(title, menu_list)
m.menu() # method and data reside in object
# def submenuc
# using sub_menu list:
# submenuc works similarly to menuc
def submenuc():
title = "Class Submenu" + banner
m = questy.Menu(title, sub_menu)
# def menu
# using main_menu list:
# 1. main menu and submenu reference are created [Prompts, Actions]
# 2. menu_list is sent as parameter to menuy.menu function that has logic for menu control
def menu():
title = "Function Menu" + banner
menu_list = main_menu.copy()
menu_list.append(["Submenu", submenu])
buildMenu(title, menu_list)
# def submenu
# using sub menu list above:
# sub_menu works similarly to menu()
def submenu():
title = "Function Submenu" + banner
buildMenu(title, sub_menu)
def buildMenu(banner, options):
# header for menu
# build a dictionary from options
prompts = {0: ["Exit", None]}
for op in options:
index = len(prompts)
prompts[index] = op
# print menu or dictionary
for key, value in prompts.items():
print(key, '->', value[0])
# get user choice
choice = input("Type your choice> ")
# validate choice and run
# execute selection
# convert to number
choice = int(choice)
if choice == 0:
action = prompts.get(choice)[1]
except TypeError:
except FileNotFoundError:
print(f"File not found!: {action}")
except ValueError:
print(f"Not a number: {choice}")
except UnboundLocalError:
print(f"Invalid choice: {choice}")
buildMenu(banner, options) # recursion, start menu over again
if __name__ == "__main__":
This is my datalists code
- There is an open list wher we will make a dictionary and input the data into the list
- Then we extract the data from the dictionary and the list and we print the data out in either a for loop, while loop, and recursion
InfoDb = []
# List with dictionary placed in a list
"FirstName": "Isaac",
"LastName": "Le",
"DOB": "May 27",
"Residence": "San Diego",
"Email": "isaacl51471@stu.powayusd.com",
"Owns_Cars":["1998 Lexus es300", "2022 Toyota Prius", "2018 Toyota Sienna"]
"FirstName": "Louis",
"LastName": "Le",
"DOB": "July 10",
"Residence": "San Diego",
"Email": "louisl39859@powayusd.com",
# for loop iterates on length of InfoDb
def print_data(n):
print(InfoDb[n]["FirstName"], InfoDb[n]["LastName"]) # using comma puts space between values
print("\t", "Cars: ", end="") # \t is a tab indent, end="" make sure no return occurs
print(", ".join(InfoDb[n]["Owns_Cars"])) # join allows printing a string list with separator
Tree Function
- This is what makes the stem of the tree adding in new rows until it reaches n. It loops around making the stem taller and taller depending on the n value.
def pole(n):
for i in range(0,n):
for i in range(n+1):
print(' ', end=' ')